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12.9% Get “C” or Higher in Five Subjects

THE BAHAMAS – Of the 10,933 students to sit The Bahamas Junior Certificate examination, only 1,417 or 12.96% got a “C” or higher in five or more subjects.




THE BAHAMAS – Of the 10,933 students to sit The Bahamas Junior Certificate examination, only 1,417 or 12.96% got a “C” or higher in five or more subjects.

That’s 4.11% increase when compared to 2022. The statistics coming from the Ministry of Education.

Last year, only 14.22% of students passed the exam.

Education Minister Glenys Hanna-Martin says The Bahamas has experienced history issues before COVID-19. She says the plan is to place a greater focus on the foundational subject.

Meanwhile, 1,945 students or 17.79% of the candidates got a “D” in at least five subjects. It’s an overall 5.19% increase from last year.

In 2023, a total of 1,402 candidates received at least a “C” in Mathematics, English Language, and a science subject. That’s 12.82% of the overall candidates and a 3.92% increase when compared to 2022.

Acting Education Director Domonique McCartney-Russell explains seven subjects saw notable improvements.

Religious Studies and Literature also say improvements in grades “A” to “C”. As for those other subjects, McCartney-Russell says remediation has started.

