NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Leader of the Opposition Michael Pintard condemns the PLP administration for its boastfulness.
UNITED STATES - U.S. consumers may be paying more for poultry this winter after a record number of chickens and turkeys died after an outbreak of...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Minister of Labour Keith Bell announces the success of Labour on The Blocks 2.0. He says dozens of jobseekers were hired on the...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Several protestors were arrested during a peaceful protest in Parliament Square, Wednesday morning.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Price control changes slated for October 17th have been delayed to October 21st, according to Economic Affairs Minister Michael Halkitis.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - A quarter of the country's workforce is on the lower end of the pay scale, according to Labor Director Robert Farquharson.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell says a resolution is being drafted calling for armed support for Haitian police officers.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - It's been three days since the Department of Labour held its latest labour on the blocks job fair and the numbers are in.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - She has a passion for those less fortunate, she's a voice for the voiceless, and she was among a number of Bahamians honored...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Comments made by Office of the Prime Minister Press Secretary Clint Watson last week still not sitting well with many rights activists, especially...