CHINA - China is reporting its first covid deaths in six months with warnings the capital is facing its most severe situation since the start of...
CANADA - Canada is expanding its economic sanctions freezing the Canadian assets of several Haitian political elites.
NEW ZEALAND -New Zealand's Supreme Court ruled the country's voting age of 18 is discriminatory. Parliament must discuss whether it should be lowered.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Prime Minister Philip Davis announced that the Executive of The National Tripartite Council has drafted the Industrial Court Bill 2022.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Bahamian provisional liquidators of the Failed crypto exchange FTX want New York's Southern District Federal Bankruptcy Court to recognize them as the Bahamian...
UNITED KINGDOM - Britain's Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt announced a list of tax increases and tighter public spending in a budget plan that he said is...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Police have charged a security guard they say used his cellphone to record up the skirt of a woman at a Subway restaurant.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Negotiations for the first Industrial Agreement between the BTVI and The Union of Tertiary Educators of The Bahamas are still ongoing.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Principal at St. Michael's Pre-School Patricia Pinder said she was happy to learn that the mask mandate for educational institutions was relaxed.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - The Baha Mar Resort Foundation donates thousands in non perishables to the CB Moss Feeding Program.