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Scottish Masons’ 2nd Annual Food Festival Now History

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The second annual Scottish Masonic Food Festival is now history and the distinguished brothers are one step closer to completing their masonic complex and community center on Dolphin Drive. 




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The second annual Scottish Masonic Food Festival is now history and the distinguished brothers are one step closer to completing their masonic complex and community center on Dolphin Drive. 

The Scottish Masonic order saw hundreds of patrons Saturday at its second annual food festival and raffle. The event started at noon and lasted well into the night. 

Lodges under the Scottish Constitution like Lodge St. Annes, Lodge Fort Nassau, Lodge St. Joseph, Lodge St. David and Lodge St. Michael to name a few, featured various types of delectable island-style delights at their stalls.

Brothers Charles Sands and Elwood Simms of Lodge St. Michael 1634, the premier lodge of the Scottish Constitution had this to say about the event.

District Grand Master Bro. Anthony Bostwick, spoke with our news at the event last night and said the food festival is really for family, the community and brotherly love. 

This annual food festival and raffle would not be complete without the slamming concert that ends the night. This year Judah the Lion was the featured song artist.

