GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS - Bahamas Ambassador to the Food and Agriculture Organisation, Winston Pinnock, is speaking out over what he claims are excessive power bills at...
GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS - Grand Bahama Power "Gotta Go" Committee Co-Chair Richard Johnson, criticizing the Grand Bahama Port Authority, the regulator for the Grand Power Company,...
GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS - VP of Group Head Investment at RF Bank and Trust David Slatter explained what may be the reason for the power giant...
THE BAHAMAS - Amid ongoing electricity concerns in Grand Bahama and Eleuthera, the Free National Movement is placing the blame on the Davis administration.
GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS -The Grand Bahama Power Company wants to raise its rates, but there's been pushback.
GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS - Protestors gathered for a word of prayer before marching across the street to share their disappointment with Grand Bahama Power Company.
GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS - As a potential 6.3% power rate hike looms for Grand Bahamians, the government swiftly steps in to defend residents, urging the Grand...
GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS - The Grand Bahama Power Company is hoping to raise rates, leaving many customers upset with the proposed hike. We spoke with a...
GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS - Over in Grand Bahama, residents there are feeling frustrated as major power issues continue to plague the northern island.
GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS - Residents on Grand Bahama are up in arms over recent power bills, claiming a significant increase in recent months.