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2-Year Sentence For Man Who Had Sex With Teen He Met On Facebook

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A man who had sex with a 13- year-old girl that he met on Facebook has been jailed for two years.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A man who had sex with a 13- year-old girl that he met on Facebook has been jailed for two years.

Orlando Williams and the minor had relations three times soon after they met online in 2022.

The case did not go to trial as Williams pleaded guilty to three counts of unlawful sexual intercourse when he appeared before Justice Andrew Forbes.

In his sentencing decision, Justice Forbes said the situation was avoidable as he noted that young children allowed to use social media without supervision are often sought out by older men.

Justice Forbes said that the term of probation sought by Williams’ lawyer Brian Hanna was inappropriate.

The two-year prison sentence was recommended by the prosecutor Ashley Carrol.

The sentences will run concurrently and take effect from April 20. It was also recommended that Williams enrol in carpentry and electrical courses during his imprisonment.

