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House Speaker: I Can’t Allow That Space To Become A War Room

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – House speaker Patricia Devaux is speaking out for the first time since the chaotic day St. Barnabas Member of Parliament Shanendon Cartwright threw the mace out the House of Assembly window. 









NASSAU, BAHAMAS – House speaker Patricia Devaux is speaking out for the first time since the chaotic day St. Barnabas Member of Parliament Shanendon Cartwright threw the mace out the House of Assembly window. 

It was that day that threw the House of Assembly in a frenzy back on December 4th.

Since then, six opposition members were suspended for two sessions of the House of Assembly.

House Speaker Patricia Deveaux wanted to clear the air on the whole ordeal. She says it’s simple – Opposition Leader Michael Pintard did not follow the rules, specifically rule 51.

I also asked Deveaux about whether she’s made any recommendations to better secure the speaker’s area.

“I always believed our space needed a higher level of security,” she said.

“I always did but i have sat with the Royal Bahamas Police Force. You know we now have a new sitting commissioner so we just waiting for her to get into her comfort level and get some things done internally and then we are going to begin the conversation.”

The house speaker also indicated there’s no bad blood on her end.

And as for the way forward she said she hopes all members can put December 4th behind them.

(“I’m hoping that members would have utilized that time to just overlook what would have happened on December 4th and let’s not allow that to happen in this space anymore,” Deveaux said.

“My dream Sasha is this and I think this is any speakers dream, when the government and the opposition can come together and put what is first and foremost and thats the people of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.”

The house resumes this Wednesday at 10am.

