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Mourners Say Farewell In London

LONDON – The streets of London overflow with people today paying their Respect to the late queen. Our Jerome Sawyer gives us a spectators’ experience.




LONDON – The streets of London overflowed with people today paying their respect to the late Queen. Our Jerome Sawyer is in London and gives us a spectators’ experience. 

From as early as 4am some cramped out for days while others cramped into whatever space was available with only moments to spare. 

They all came to say farewell to their queen Monday. 

From the sidelines cheers of admiration for the many many law enforcement U.K. Armed services and those charged guarding the queen’s residence shouts of admiration and praise. 

It was a day to mourn and say thank you to the late sovereign for 70 years of dedicated selfless service. 

At 10am London time 10 days of national mourning crescendoed with the service at The Abbey. 

For the thousands outside The Abbey speakers lining the street outside gave spectators a unique perspective. 

In some places, the crowd was a dozen deep yet they stood quietly and patiently in reverence. 

This group of royal lifeguards who guard the official royal residences were given the day off from participating in the ceremony and still choose to come and give their respects. 

