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Potter’s Cay Dock to See Electricity Before Year End

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Government, earlier this week, taking a walkabout under the bridge, where stalls are expected to be fully electrified, easing the cost of operations to vendors at that location.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Government, earlier this week, taking a walkabout under the bridge, where stalls are expected to be fully electrified, easing the cost of operations to vendors at that location. One of them telling our news he will save sixty dollars every day on fuel.

A number of parliamentarians touring the dock area on Thursday.

Generators have already been installed by Bahamas Power and Light, with some work left to be done before they are fully operational.

And for president of the potter’s cay dock food and vegetable vendors association Ormanique Bowe, she says the modernization of the facility has been long awaited.

Fires in the area have caused damage to a number of stalls over the years, the most recent one last year destroying three stalls.

Agriculture and Marine Resources Minister, Jomo Campbell, says they haven’t forgotten it. Energy and transport minister Jobeth Coleby-Davis was also there to explain the scope of works.

