NASSAU, BAHAMAS - House Speaker Patricia Deveaux describing yesterday's shocking events in Parliament as a dark day in Bahamian history.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - As the year comes to a close, tourism officials are celebrating a period marked by resilience and innovation.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Communications Director Latrae Rahming telling reporters that the Prime Minister received a letter from the Leader of the Opposition affirming the Prime Minister's...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - The Davis Administration is refuting claims migrants from the United States will be sent to The Bahamas, according to Communications Director in the...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Also present for all of the chaos yesterday was attorney and staunch Coalition of Independents supporter Maria Daxon.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Hours after being roughed up and escorted out of the House of Assembly and later detained by police then released FNM Leader Michael...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Support for Assistant Commissioner Shanta Knowles' appointment as the first woman to serve as Commissioner of Police, from Opposition Leader Michael Pintard.
ISRAEL - The United States disagrees with Amnesty International's claim that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, the state department said on Thursday.
UNITED STATES - Adobe Analytics reports that Black Friday online sales hit a record $10.8 billion. That's double the 2017 total!
CALIFORNIA - A powerful magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck off the coast of California on Thursday, triggering a tsunami warning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.