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Trial Date Set for Man Accused of Stabbing Brother over Money

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A man accused of stabbing his brother in a row over money has been granted bail.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A man accused of stabbing his brother in a row over money has been granted bail.

Glenward Styles, 33, faces a charge of grievous harm over the March 17 incident in Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera.

Styles initially admitted to stabbing his older brother, Lasanto Styles, at his arraignment before Assistant Chief Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans.

However, the magistrate entered a not guilty plea after Syles said he was defending himself.

As a condition of his bail, Styles is banned from coming within 300 feet of his brother. He also has to check in at the Rock Sound Police Station twice weekly.

The trial is set for June 4.

