







NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Anthony Dean, known as DJ Xtra Large International to most, is no stranger to big battles as he has been on the sound clash circuit for years. While his health battles have knocked him down temporarily, he is not out for the count and is taking things one step at a time.
Xtra large has been in love with music since he was a child, getting his first taste of performing as a teen shadowing seasoned DJs like One Dwight, The Mighty Pencil, Barry Da Pusha, and the late DJs Gold Digger and Scooby Doo.
His DJ skills have helped him become a popular name over the years. His motivational “Get Up and Get It” videos continue to be shared across social media platforms bringing positive messages to viewers, but today he needs your motivation and support.
A 2020 diabetes diagnosis put Dean on guard about his health, forcing drastic changes to his diet and exercise routine. Still, an injury to his toe as he dismounted his bike after a workout caused an infection that led to three hospitalizations and the eventual amputation of his foot.
“Before I went under the knife, I was depressed and I was getting ready to give up. I had no more fight in me. That was it. I was down for the count, but I think about my kids – like I tell you, my kids, bey; my world.”
Xtra says he accepted his fate and put his troubles in God’s hands, a testament to his will to survive for himself and his loved ones.
“The little voice say, ‘Be still. I got you,’ just like that! I say, ‘Ok, I know that only could be God.'”
Now that the worst seems to be over, Dean continues monitoring his health – preparing for a prosthetic limb.
“At first I didn’t want to come out of the bed, because I take a tumble when I first come out. But now, I’m moving around – walking with the walker, wheel chair, everything. One step at a time and then I will definitely get there. But, I’m prepared.”
A family fun day is set for September 10th to aid with the DJ’s medical expenses. Xtra says there will be nothing but “good, clean, wholesome family fun.”
Xtra says he remains humble and thankful for your support but knows that his future remains in God’s hands.