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Murder Victim’s Sister: They Killed My Sister Like A Dog

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A woman was murdered during a triple shooting on Ragged Island Street Wednesday night and two others were wounded. 




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A woman was murdered during a triple shooting on Ragged Island Street Wednesday night and two others were wounded. 

The grief-stricken sister of the country’s latest murder victim, 39-year-old, Rodeska Bethel, spoke to Our News. To her family, she’s simply known as Deshie.

Her sister, who did not want to appear on camera for safety reasons, spoke to us one day after the sound of gunshots rang out on Ragged Island Street.

Police say around 7pm they responded to the scene after they were tipped off by Shot Spotter technology.

Caught in the crossfire? Bethel, another woman and a man. 

According to police, Bethel, who is a mother of five, was hanging out outside a bar on Ragged Island Street when she was gunned down.

Her sister says she witnessed the tragic shooting.

The grieving sister says this is something they will never forget. 

Police have made no arrests in this triple shooting. The victim’s sister made this plea.

Meantime, police officers told the press the victim was recently in police custody and being questioned about a recent murder.

