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Pintard: Government Looking To Score Political Points

Free National Movement Leader Michael Pintard is calling on the government to make public recommendations on the Prospect Ridge project.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Free National Movement Leader Michael Pintard is calling on the government to make public recommendations on the Prospect Ridge project.


Amid uncertainty over the future of the Prospect Ridge project, FNM leader Michael Pintard is accusing the Davis administration of looking to score points.

The Prospect Ridge development was touted by the Minnis administration as a means for young professionals to acquire land.

However, the initiative was halted when the Davis administration came to office as minister responsible JoBeth Coleby-Davis said nothing was done to move the project forward.

Pintard saysthe government ought to table the report from the technical team, advising them to abandon the Prospect Ridge Development.

The housing minister told reporters the matter is before cabinet.

Meanwhile, Pintard says he believes those same public servants are acting on behalf of the Bahamian people with no axe to grind, stressing project came from a desire to create opportunities for young Bahamians.

