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Rise Bahamas Holds Demonstration in Rawson Square

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Local activist groups joined forces today for a state of emergency child protection demonstration in Rawson Square.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Local activist groups joined forces today for a state of emergency child protection demonstration in Rawson Square.

Those in attendance lent their voices by speaking up about the rights of children in the country. Activist Terneille “tada” Burrows of Rise Bahamas says this movement of prioritizing child protection goes beyond The Bahamas.

The activist groups are not alone in the fight. Local churches like the Methodist Church also support the cause. Reverend Kelli Jolly of the MCAA Methodist Church says it was important to show that churches are also responsible for protection of children.

Rise Bahamas is calling for stiffer penalties for crimes against children, psychological evaluation, intervention and treatment for those convicted of crimes against children, the launch of the MARCO alert system, an amendment to the sex offender registry and for the tabling of Bella’s bill in parliament.  

