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Temperatures Soar During 12 Hottest Months On Record

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Last month ranked as the warmest May on record. Each of the past 12 months ranked as the warmest on record in year-on-year comparisons,





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Last month ranked as the warmest May on record. Each of the past 12 months ranked as the warmest on record in year-on-year comparisons, according to the European Union’s climate change monitoring service. The United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization reported an 80% chance the planet will see above-normal temperatures.

The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement pledged global leaders to curb carbon emissions to keep temperatures below that threshold. However, carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels hit a record high last year.

There are actions we can take, such as saving energy at home, recycling, throwing away less food, and planting trees.

